centered yoga


Step into a zen-inspired practice where the art of mindful movement HARMONISES with your inner vibrations, inner viewing and inner smile – aligning body wisdom for strength and healing. Through daily practice, the light within creates a radiant glow.

Join my classes – online or in person – for a creative fusion of special breathings, sound healing, yoga sequences and guided meditation. Meditation and prayer become gateways to transcend the physical world, offering an experience of the Light, Power and Nature of God.

I provide specialized teachings tailored for groups or private sessions. Choose an option that resonates with your needs.

Small Groups — Private Sessions — Teacher Training



Sacred Yoga practices with the Eight Vital Principles created by Dona Holleman. The practice has a Iyengar base with alignment sequencings — blended with the zen vibe of feeling your Lightness through Awareness, Intent, Rooting and using Gravity to assist with your openness in your body, mind and soul. Bring it into your everyday.

A woman gracefully balancing on her hands, performing a handstand in the vast and arid desert landscape.

Individual private study

Choose the Centered Yoga practice that is right for you with private study, continuing education for teachers and organised small groups.

Please email Tara for an appointment by phone or online. Thank you.

Tara in a blue top and green pants gracefully strikes a yoga pose, finding balance and tranquility.


Enjoy a 75 minute class with the postures and the breath moving in harmony with alignment of the body in a slow flow sequence.

Class dates to be announced

New Location coming soon.

Meanwhile, please email Tara for private sessions.

Here, we focus on the Centered Yoga sequencings of spine extensions, twists, forward bends, backbends and inversions – so that you feel balanced and energised from your practice. Intelligent alignment and Lightness as you move and feel your body is the body is key. The breath and awareness guide you always.

Level 1 is fundamental postures, breathings and meditation.

Level 2 will add deeper sequencings with backbends and inversions.


Private sessions

Start a personalized yoga journey tailored to your unique intentions.


Join me

Each 90 minute session is crafted to meet your specific needs, ensuring a bespoke experience that resonates with your intentions. Explore a range of posture practice and breathings designed to open your body throughout your yoga practice.

You may choose to add sound healing with tuning forks, sacred mantras and crystal singing bowls with your unique session for transformative healing energy.

This personalised approach is particularly valuable for individuals with specific requirements such as pregnancy, post-surgery recovery, or sports injuries. As well, the one one one is special when first learning yoga postures or to deepen your practice. Tara seamlessly integrates her expertise in energy healing to provide dedicated support, ensuring each session is a step towards your holistic well-being.

Posture Study, Sacred Body Practice, Pranayama


Teacher training

with tara


TEACHER TRAINING and Continuing Education for Certified Yoga Teachers, Energy Healers, and anyone interested in self healing through Spirit, Nature, Prayer and the intelligence of our breath or Light. Feeling the Harmony and rejuvenating the whole body.

Deepen your wisdom on the yogic path through Teacher Training sessions. These immersive experiences, offer a unique opportunity to expand your understanding of the Art of Yoga as your personal healing tool, and to further your practice. 

Under the expert guidance of Tara, you'll explore the intricacies of teaching, incorporating advanced practices and delving into the philosophy that underpins the classic yogic traditions for a modern day yogi.

‘My Love of Spirit, nature healings, ancient texts, and special energy healing practices are brought into the teacher trainings.’

Benefit from Tara's wealth of knowledge and expertise, gaining insights that extend beyond the mat into life.

New dates for these enlightening sessions will be announced in 2024.


The Eight Vital Principles of The Centered Yoga Method:

  1. The meditative state of mind or the not-doing of meditation.

  2. Relaxation or the not-doing of the body

  3. Intent or the not-doing of visualization

  4. Rooting or the intelligent use of gravity

  5. Centering or the Knowledge of the Hara

  6. Bodyscape or the anatomical understanding of the body

  7. Breathing or the total use of inner breathing space

  8. Elongating or using the total breathing to open the body

These principles can assist you with your personal journey of Yoga and body healing through – discipline, discernment, practice, clearing, purifying and moving forward with Health and wellness Body, Mind and Heart. There are many who are using the Vital principles of yoga in their life and this is beautiful. Many teachers are adopting them into their teachings.

My teacher Dona Holleman, created these 8 Vital Principles and I love to share this brilliance in my classes and writings. I have had studies with Dona since 2001, and her teachings since 1998 have kept me evolving with my own practice on the mat and into life. As a mother of three, I have practiced yoga and breathings through all of my pregnancies to help keep me healthy and energised. I have travelled to study with Dona in Northern Italy since 2001. Through these past recent years since 2020, she has created a lovely private interactive group to help guide us with our posture practice. I look forward to teaching this graceful, disciplined and poignant work to dedicated students.




Teaching Locations

A serene forest scene with tall trees and lush green foliage.

Love Light Studio — By appointment
Tara’s Love Light Studio in Lake Terrace for privates, small group classes and Energy Healing Sessions. Contact

the Remedy Room
Address: 700 Metairie Road, suite 100 in, Metairie, LA. 70005


Are you ready to start your Journey?
